Introduction to C++

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 C++ is a powerful
computer programming language. It is widely used for developing of
system and application software. C++ is advanced version of c language. C
language is procedural language and C++ is object-oriented programming
language. Most of the basic programming languages were developed in
1960’s. In 1969 B language was developed by Ken Thomson at Bell
laboratories. This language has advance features as compare other
languages of that era. UNIX operating system was first write in B
language at Bell laboratories in 1970. B was types less language meant
that programmer don’t need to declare a data type of a variable. Every
variable occupied one word in memory.

               In 1972 Dennis Ritchie develop
C language at Bell laboratories. It was derived from B language. It has
many extra features as compare B language, such as defines a data type
to a variable and many more. After development of C language, the next
version of UNIX was revised and written in C. After that most of the
operating systems and application programs were written in C. It is
hardware independent language, it means that program written in C
language can be executed on any computer. Later, American National
Standard Institution (ANSI) develop a standard version of C-language
named as ANSI C. Turbo C is full implementation of ANSI C. This compiler
is more efficient and fast. It has user-friendly IDE (Integrated
Development Environment) that helps to develop and debug programme.

               In early 1980’s Bjarne Stroustrup develop
C++ at Bell laboratories. It was extended version of C. Most important
feature added in C++ was its object-oriented approach to solve a
problem. It was standardized in 1997 by ANSI/ISO and known as standard
C++. Turbo C++ compiler is most widely used compiler.

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